Test Summary Lines
There can be two types of Bonuses as an incentive:
1. Bonus to those who register for free to the Summit.
2. Bonus to those registered who decide to buy the Premium package (from which you will earn 50%
affiliate commission).
Examples of Bonuses:
Discount for a first session with you
Discount for any course or program of yours
First month free to any subscription, private group, etc
Video/Audio with some exclusive message or sample
Any other possibility that you consider interesting both for you and for the attendee.
If you decide to offer only one type of Bonus, it should preferably be for VIP users, since they have
invested in buying the paid package
f you decide to offer Bonuses both to free registered and also to VIP users, then the Bonus for VIP
users should preferably be of higher value, since they have already invested money in the VIP package.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since.